Curated Knowledge from Industry Experts
While beekeeping practices can be quite personal to the individual beekeeper, there is much to be said for the power of shared knowledge. We are bound to achieve more success together than we could individually. Countless bright minds are focused on improving and educating the beekeeping industry. Below are a few resources to get you started.
The ABF has curated an extensive resource guide of articles and videos pertinent to all levels of beekeeping.
You'll find a state-by-state glossary of beekeeping organizations and swarm removal contacts, local ordinance information, grant opportunities, grower resources and more.
Agricultural stakeholders working together to improve bee health.
Here you will find information and programs on hive management, crop and pest management, honey bee habitat, nutrition, crop-specific best practices and more.
Dadant Learning Center
The publishers of the American Bee Journal bring you this searchable database of beekeeping knowledge.
They cover a vast array of topics from hive parts to hive health to honey harvest, and everything in between. See the Beekeeper's Calendar for a seasonal guide on apiary best practices.
Bee Health Community
A collection of knowledge from industry experts including the USDA, Bee Informed Partnership and many others that have tested strategies and new research to share with the public.
Find articles and videos on beekeeping, honey bee biology, health, nutrition, pests, etc.
Scientific resources curated by the University of Massachusetts.
Start here for information on what to know before getting a hive, yearly management, and pests and diseases. This page will direct you to information on swarming, splitting, supering, winter prep, and queen management and rearing.
Keep up on current industry news and political events affecting the beekeeping industry.
Their resource guide directs you toward various organizations, publications, disaster assistance programs, USDA-ARS research facilities, insurance providers, etc.
Queen Banking Tips
​​​Download a GUIDE TO HONEY BEE QUEEN BANKING from Oregon State University with support from many researchers and beekeepers, SARE, the USDA, and Project Apis m.​
Learn about banking queens on the Beekeeping Today Podcast with Dr. Brandon Hopkins of Washington State University.
Listen to "Banking Queens Over the Winter" with Ellen Topitzhofer of the Oregon State University Honey Bee Lab on the PolliNation Podcast .
Project Apis m. partners with many organizations (Healthy Hives, Oregon State University, USDA, National Honey Board, etc.) to provide beekeepers with comprehensive guides on various topics.
Visit this page for Guides and Best Management Practices from indoor storage to shipping honey bee queen cells to what you need to know about the Tropilaelaps mite. You'll see familiar resources from the Honey Bee Health Coalition here as well.